Here's Where to Put a Thermometer in a Turkey

Here's Where to Put a Thermometer in a Turkey

Apr 28, 2023Igotchu Seasonings

Thanksgiving, Christmas, or just a special family gathering – there's nothing quite like a delicious roast turkey to bring everyone together. But if you've ever been tasked with cooking this beloved bird, you know that getting the perfect temperature is crucial.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of properly cooking a turkey and the best way to use a thermometer to ensure food safety and the perfect taste.

The Importance of Properly Cooking a Turkey

Food safety concerns

Undercooking a turkey can lead to dangerous foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria like Salmonella and Campylobacter. These pathogens can cause severe gastrointestinal issues, which can be life-threatening for vulnerable populations like the elderly, pregnant women, and young children.

Achieving the perfect taste and texture

Aside from food safety concerns, properly cooking a turkey also ensures that you're getting the most out of your bird in terms of flavor and texture. Overcooking can lead to dry, tasteless meat, while undercooking can result in a tough, chewy texture.

Types of Meat Thermometers

There are three main types of meat thermometers that can be used when cooking a turkey:

Instant-read thermometer

These thermometers provide a quick and accurate temperature reading, usually within seconds. They're ideal for checking the temperature of your turkey at various points during the cooking process. However, they're not designed to be left in the bird while it cooks.

Oven-safe thermometer

Oven-safe thermometers can be left in the turkey throughout the cooking process. They're a great option for those who want a continuous temperature reading without opening the oven and letting out heat.

Digital probe thermometer

A digital probe thermometer features a probe that's inserted into the turkey and a separate digital display that stays outside the oven. The probe sends temperature readings to the display, allowing you to monitor the temperature without opening the oven.

Where to Place the Thermometer in a Turkey

The thickest part of the thigh

The most accurate way to measure the turkey's internal temperature is by inserting the thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh, without touching the bone. This area takes the longest to cook, so when it reaches the correct temperature, you can be sure that the rest of the bird is cooked as well.

The innermost part of the wing

Another option for measuring the temperature is to insert the thermometer into the innermost part of the wing, close to the body but not touching any bones. This area is also slow to cook, ensuring that your bird is cooked through when it reaches the desired temperature.

The thickest part of the breast

While not as reliable as the thigh or wing, you can also check the temperature in the thickest part of the breast. Make sure/ to avoid touching any bones, as this can result in an inaccurate reading.

 This area cooks more quickly than the thigh and wing, so it's important to check the temperature in multiple areas to ensure even cooking.

Checking the Temperature Throughout the Cooking Process

When to start checking the temperature

Begin checking the temperature of your turkey approximately two-thirds of the way through the estimated cooking time. This will give you an idea of how the bird is progressing and whether you need to adjust the cooking time.

How often to check the temperature

Once you've started checking the temperature, it's a good idea to check it every 20-30 minutes. This will help you monitor the bird's progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure even cooking.

Tips for Using a Meat Thermometer Effectively

Always insert the thermometer at an angle to avoid touching any bones, which can give inaccurate readings.

Clean your thermometer with warm, soapy water before and after each use to prevent cross-contamination.

Be patient and allow the thermometer to register the temperature fully before removing it from the turkey.

If using an instant-read thermometer, remember to remove it from the turkey before returning the bird to the oven.

Frequently Asked Questions

What temperature should a turkey be cooked to?

The USDA recommends cooking a turkey to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure food safety.

How long should I let my turkey rest before carving?

Allow your turkey to rest for at least 20-30 minutes before carving. This will help the juices redistribute and result in a more tender and flavorful bird.

Should I baste my turkey while it's cooking?

Basting can help keep the skin moist and flavorful, but it's not necessary for a perfectly cooked turkey. In fact, frequent basting can cause heat loss in the oven, leading to longer cooking times.

Can I cook my turkey at a lower temperature for a longer time?

Cooking at a lower temperature can result in a more tender and juicy bird, but it's important to ensure that the internal temperature still reaches 165°F (74°C) for food safety.

How can I tell if my turkey is done without a thermometer?

While a thermometer is the most accurate way to check for doneness, you can also look for visual cues, such as clear juices running from the bird when pierced with a fork, and the leg joints becoming loose and easy to wiggle.


Knowing where to place a thermometer in a turkey is essential for a delicious, perfectly cooked bird. By using the right thermometer, checking multiple areas of the turkey, and monitoring the temperature throughout the cooking process, you'll ensure a safe and enjoyable meal for your family and friends.

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