Turkey Burgers

Turkey Burgers

Mar 24, 2024Igotchu Seasonings

1 lb lean ground turkey- Jennie O

1 T plain dried bread crumbs

1 tsp. Igotchu burger philly seasoning

2 T mayonnaise

2 tsp worcestershire sauce

1 T vegetable oil 

Add ground turkey to a medium mixing bowl. Sprinkle in bread crumbs, Igotchu burger philly seasoning, mayonnaise and worcestershire sauce. Gently toss and break up meat mixture to evenly blend. Divide meat mixture into 4 equal portions and shape into patties about ½ inch thick. Preheat vegetable oil in a 12 inch non stick skillet over medium high heat. Cook turkey patties in skillet for 5 minutes per side until cooked through, Serve warm on toasted bun with desired toppings 

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