Food Storage Tips For You

Food Storage Tips For You

Aug 01, 2022Igotchu Seasonings

The veggies are rotting again, and the cereal has gone stale. Don’t even forget all the money you’ve spent on buying plastic food containers. Yes, we totally understand – we’ve been on the same spot as well.

But with these amazing food storage tips, you won’t have to deal with stale cereals or wilting veggies anymore. Keep your meals and groceries last longer today. Read on.


Amazing Food Storage Tips

All of us wish that our food could remain fresh a little longer, especially our groceries. Fortunately, you can make this happen while saving money and time. Check out these environment-friendly and budget-friendly tips:

Meat/Poultry: Put meat and poultry in the refrigerator but keep them in their original packaging. If you want to freeze them, slip the packaging into a freezer bag.

Seafood: Like meat and poultry, seafoods must be kept in their original packaging. They should also be placed in a bowl of ice inside the fridge. If you’re not eating them right away, you can slip their packaging into a freezer bag and freeze them..

Dairy: Any type of dairy should be kept in the fridge. Mozzarella, Brie, and other soft cheeses can be placed in an airtight container. Hard cheeses, on the other hand, must be wrapped in parchment paper then stow in a Ziploc. For yogurt and milk, put them in freezer containers.

Ketchup/mustard/Condiments: These can be stored at room temperature. You can also put them in the fridge if you want to extend their flavor and shelf life. They will surely last for a couple of months.

Smoked Fish/Deli Meats: Delis and smoked foods can be stored in the refrigerator, just make sure that their packaging is unopened yet.  If the package is open, on the other hand, these foods can last for up to 5 days in the fridge.

Fruits/Vegetables: Leave them unwashed and placed in their original packaging if you want to refrigerate them. They can also be wrapped loosely in a plastic bag. For room temperature fruits and veggies, they should be removed from any packaging and placed in a crisper drawer to last longer.

Leftovers: These must be kept in leak-proof wraps or containers, then left in the fridge. If you’re planning to refrigerate canned foods, make sure to place them in an airtight container to prevent a metallic taste in your food.

Baked Goods/Bread/Snacks: Baked goods must be stored in the pantry. Place them in an airtight container, too. For cakes and pies, they must be kept in the fridge. On the other hand, baguettes and bakery-style breads should be in their original packaging at room temperature.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes will lose flavor quickly if they are refrigerated, so just keep them in room temperature. Just make sure to use them as much as possible since they can ripen quickly.

Coffee: If you have large amounts of ground coffee, it’s best to freeze them. It will last longer, especially its taste. You can put them in mason jars – they are very handy. For small amounts of coffee, on the other hand, you can keep them at room temperature.

Nuts: Nuts can lose freshness and flavor quickly because if their high-fat content. They can even become rancid if not kept in the freezer. So, put them in the fridge. Make sure to keep them in airtight containers or Ziplocs before freezing.

Bacon: For food safety, bacon must be consumed within the next few days once its package is opened. Sure, the packaging suggests that it can last for several months, but it can spoil quickly when opened. If you want to make its life span last longer, you can divide it into single serving sizes, put in the freezer, and thaw in the microwave as needed.


Keep your food fresh in no time. Follow these food storage tips today.

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